Friday, January 2, 2009

Skin Health For Body

Apart from the elements, such as stress, hormonal, and free radicals, ultraviolet rays, pollution, smoke, dust or the example of outside elements that affect the skin health, including the emergence of early aging. However, many people treat the skin is not the maximum, unless already experienced injuries or damage. In caring for the body casing is not complicated, although there are stiff-kiatnya not so quickly ripen.

We need to mambaca health articles because the articles give a lot of health information to us. Health articles to inform us about esehatan body. Articles about health can contain the disease and how to maintain health body.

And the health of this article will explain the details of skin health:

Healthy skin, according to the article health reflection of the actual conditions of a healthy body. Conversely, dull skin can become less luminous indication body does not fit in the circumstances.

Can such as skin (in the articles of health skin) promote the many important functions in other senses as taste and wrap the body from the threat of natural conditions. It helps set the body temperature, also protect from viruses and bacteria, and not less important to the function and secretion of fluid.

From the article skin health, the functions of secretions, such as removing the skin of oil called sebum to maintain humidity and skin delicacy. While the liquid form of perspiration, which mainly consists of water to body temperature to remain in normal limits.

Articles from The Skin Health: Ultraviolet ringleader destroyer

Article skin health-wrapper As a body, the skin is a face shield main threat conditions outside the body; ultraviolet sun rays one. Ultraviolet rays (UV) it is so often accused the main factors for early alias premature aging Aging. These rays, especially UV B penetrasinya strong power, placed in sequence number one in the list of causes.

Health article states "David Bureau of skin experts origin of New York state during the early aging, skin (according to the articles of health) will be changed so that people aged 30 or 20 years visibly older. Even stimulus ultraviolet rays that can continuously make the skin damaged or even exposed skin cancer. "

Damage to the skin (in the articles of health) that are often experienced by those aged above 30 years (according to the article health) - although it can also occur in young people - can also be caused by external factors such as levels of pollution, the environment, which can form various carbon content with smoke, dust and dirt piles in the skin.

According to the article other than leather health from the outside, the internal conditions of the body also affect the skin health, such as hormonal factors, the descendant of factors, stress, and free radicals.

Articles from the skin of Health: Replace the skin every 28 days

According to the article health, outermost layer of skin is the epidermis (Stratum corneum) are thin as onion skin. Underneath is the various organs that have been called before. In the fat tissue is thick. The next layer of muscle (meat) and bone, which is not longer part of the skin.

health articles that appropriate natural process, in fact every 28 days once the skin cells (from artikek health) will beregenerasi or rejuvenate themselves. Tuesday skin, which will round up to the surface and form a gepeng, before eventually die and become part of the layer of epidermis.

On the condition (of the articles health), which ripen the skin, which occurred otherwise. "Cuticle layer, which contains skin cells alive, is also where various layers and duct gland, thinner. The layer of epidermis had called, because the cells in the skin of dead or dakinya continue to pile up," said Edwin Juanda.

In the article health skin Edwin also align the view that pengelupasan layer of dead skin does not happen automatically, and if flake will take a long time. That is also why, pengelupasan skin needs to be done specifically, because clean skin care day-to-day course will not be able to remove dead skin.

However, according to Edwin (articles health skin), does not mean that there is hope for people with early aging skin to get back healthy. There are several ways that can be done. For example, that spot is very small (freckles) can be removed with mengupasnya use equipment that is fine. "To spot the right to use more width bleaching cream smeared in the night," he said. He reminded, the use of bleaching cream must be done carefully and under the supervision of doctors skin. The use of excessive, especially in a long time, thus making the skin look black.

From the article health compared with the black spot, wrinkling in the face of more difficult removed at all. Although several methods can use with real results. One of them perform with Chemical peeling. In the article told health skin face smeared special fluid that makes skin epidermis. After recovery - with the time long enough - wrinkling-wrinkling become lost.

Other ways (articles health) with a face lift operation actions; the necessary cost of this large and should be done by expert doctors. Another possibility is to use sour cream vitamin A, introduced by Prof.. Kligman from the U.S.. Spread sour cream with vitamin A such as Retin-A or Vitacid, or Melavita in the face every night, a few months in the skin of the face will become faster and wrinkles are reduced.

However, sour cream vitamin A have side effects, so make skin slightly red and sore in the first few days of use. In addition, cream, it is not necessarily appropriate for every person (described in the article artike-health).

"So, all the action is done to treat the skin more young people (health, according to the article) so that the layer underneath to grow faster. All the way is quite safe provided that is done with very careful," said Edwin while reminding the need to consult a doctor with the skin.

From the article health Skin: Pengelupasan for treatment

(From atrikel health) Likewise with the board. Edwin the health experts, chemists Mark Potter who had the task of collecting medicines for the troops Operation Desert Storm must face the dry climate in the Middle East, said the need to be done to dismantle pengelupasan skin piles of dead skin is not useful. "But be careful. If not, your skin will even lose the humidity, even more damaged," he said.

According to Potter (articles health) also, besides creating luminous skin back, "Pengelupasan have functions that are more than simply beautify themselves, for example, the turnover skin cells will be faster, but also improve the flow of blood that important in providing food for the surface skin. "

However, according to the Bureau of David, soap less good for the skin dry, because it can cause irritation. Because of this need to search and secure the soap contains oat-active substances, which are beneficial. While this can easily be obtained with soap that contains active substances such as vitamin E complex, which is useful to combat signs of aging, pelembap oil, or other substances, such as soap or Priti new LUX. This type of soap able to work double, in addition to really clean, and also maintain kelenturan skin health. (Described in the articles health)

According to the article for skin health Texturized face the more subtle, soft, thin and, more precisely when used in soap or face special facial soap such as Kao Biore, Oil of Ulan, or other products.

However, to pengelupasan in the day-to-day care, Potter (in the articles of health skin) to encourage more use solvents, not soap. There are two ways in which both do so. According to the article health First, using a mask with the chemical content of enzimnya able to bind skin cells die, destroying the network, while mengangkatnya. "The slightly less practical, but significant action in pengelupasan, namely rub the skin with a soft mechanical."

As with the product that is now called the AHA (alpha hidrocxy acid) or fruit acid group. AHA considered able to overcome the weakness of scrubs that only remove the outer layer, but can not improve relations in the antarsel. AHA, often referred to as a miracle substance antipenuaan and able to peel the skin rubbed off without, reduces wrinkles and make skin more fresh. For substances that also melembapkan layer underneath the skin and stimulate formation of new cells. (Described in the articles health)

"The AHA is not suitable for all ages (in the article health). They are aged 30 - 40 years can still use them. But the aged above 40 will be better if the use retinoic acid or acid retinoat," said Edwin Juanda.

Because, he said, when the AHA can only entrance to the antarsel layer, the acid retinoat that contain vitamin A that is required is able to penetrate skin cells into cells. "Skin that is ugly and dull it will be changed to become more Nation, a thick, red, and fresh again."

Not strange if many products now pelembap skin that get cargo AHA as Plenitude Excell-A3 or Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion. When pelembap with AHA able to infiltrate more in, then pelembap without the AHA will only melembapkan the epidermis.

Business skin to maintain humidity needs to be done carefully. "It must be difficult to enter into a liquid layer of skin that assesses without explaining very complicated. Imagine, fluid in the body, we can only exit the channel through perspiration," said Edwin.

That's why, night cream seen as an effort to maintain the humidity and how best to restore skin condition. At the time sleeping, metabolic system really rest will be to improve the cell-selnya. "So the cream will come in the night and easily work with the maximum in a long time. As if the day, yet again the influence of the sun spat that make the skin smeared AHA or acid retinoat so iritas.

To keep the skin smooth without cream night to be able to breathe. "Kutani night can only form pelembap that can be used at any time if someone's skin is too dry. This is not the same can be beaten the average for all people. For oily skin, do not put cream is recommended night, I could pimply."

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