Friday, January 2, 2009

Find 10 minutes and make the sauna for your face

If you haven’t enough time to visit spa-salon or beauty-shop you can make the sauna for your face by yourself at home. Of course, you should remember about the kind of your face skin. It must be not too sensitive and not too porous skin, without enlarge blood-vessels.

Such steam bath makes the skin young, clean, moist and improves the circulation of the blood. At the same time this procedure takes a little time and doesn’t need in the special preparation. You need only the bowl of 2-3 liters, big Turkish towel, paper napkins, any skin cream, and handful of dried herb. You need chamomile and sage, if your face skin is greasy, or take linden and mint, if your skin is dry. And finally take boiling water.

Well, now we are ready for the pleasant minutes alone with your face skin. Fist of all you should clean the skin very good, grease eyelids with rich skin cream for protection. Pour herb into bowl, fill up with boiling water, close your eyes and bow face over bowl. Please, watch the distance between your face and hot water not to be burned by steam. Cover yourself with a towel. You’d better to make this procedure sitting, because your face should be subject by steam for 10 minutes.

Then dry the face with napkin light blotting touches and begin another procedure like face pack. But if you haven’t enough time for it, simply put any cream on the cleaned skin of the face. After this effective steam bath even ordinary skin cream will give the stunning effect. Are you pleased with yourself?

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